
Dirt Conveyors

The Troughing-Slider Conveyor, in 12 ft. thru 36 ft. lengths and various belt widths, is E-ZLIFT’s most versatile model.

Roofing Materials

The Chain & Flight Towable Elevating Carriage (C&F-TEC) is an ultra-portable system for conveying packaged and rolled materials at steep inclines.
Tire Warehousing
The Floor to Floor Tire Conveyor is specially designed to move passenger car and light truck tires up to 60 degree inclines or 90 degrees vertical.
Sludge Applications
The Troughing-Roller Sludge Conveyor is ideal for corrosive or humid environments, and extended duty applications, such as the handling of dewatered sewer sludge and other dewatered solids.
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