Conveyors For Moving Dirt in 2021

Using a wheelbarrow to transport sand, gravel, or dirt from one place to another is backbreaking work that takes a long time. In 2021, there are better solutions: using dirt conveyors. Whether your task is large or small, dirt conveyors can serve your needs well! 

The size and portability of conveyors make them convenient to place between buildings, through gateways, and under walls. They are easy to set up and safe to use, making them convenient for any job.
Dirt conveyors will make your job moving sand, gravel, and dirt up to 5 times faster than using a wheelbarrow. That’s time and money saved!


Conveyor systems are built with pulleys that have a belt stretched across them. The belt loops around the pulleys so it rotates continuously across the system in a closed curve. The drive pulley tows the belt and moves what is being transported to the next location. 

Most dirt conveyors have a rotor that powers the belt and drive pulley. The rotor attaches to the belt through the friction between them. The belt moves when the drive pulley and the other pulley, the idler, move in the same direction, whether clockwise or counterclockwise. 

When the setting requires conveyors that are curved to deliver sand, dirt, or gravel to the proper location, the turns in the conveyors involve cone-shaped rotors or wheels that allow the belt to bend or twist without being tangled. These add versatility to the conventional conveyor system. 


Belt support ensures that there is a consistent, smooth movement across the conveyor belt. The support unit must be sturdy and firm to prevent sagging when dirt and gravel are placed on the conveyor. Sagging would prevent the belt from running as quickly and smoothly as it should, so support units maintain the rigidity and keep the conveyors working efficiently. 

Rollers are used to keep heavy dirt from causing sagging in the conveyor system. These are used when there is particularly weighty material or if the conveyor needs to carry the dirt or sand over a long distance. 

Each conveyor system uses two or more pulleys. One is designed to operate under power, and one is meant to be idle without it. More complex dirt conveyors can also have rotors that are embedded in the frame. This pulley system controls belt movement. 

The drive pulley facilitates system movement by containing a counter bearing. This pulley allows the belt to move forward as well as in reverse and manages direction adjustments as needed. Manually operated conveyor systems also use a drive pulley, but in these models the drive pulley is not motorized. 


Conveyors can usually be sorted into two categories: lightweight and heavyweight. Lightweight conveyors have a working tension of fewer than 160 pounds per inch of width. These are used for food processing, paper goods, pharmaceutical, and unit package handling. Lightweight conveyor belts can be covered with thermoplastic, non-woven, lightweight rubber, or solid plastic. 

For more heavy-duty applications, including dirt transportation, heavyweight conveyors should be used. These dirt conveyors have a tension of at least 160 pounds per inch of width. These types of conveyors are used in mining, high-temperature food processing, manufacturing, and waste/recycling. 


When evaluating which conveyor would suit your needs best, some process requirements should be considered. These include the factors governing optimal conveyor movement and the given operating environment conditions. 

  • How far does your sand, dirt, or gravel need to be transported?
    Consider the functional areas that are involved in your project.  
  • What pathways are available for the conveyor to move through?
    Do the paths involve curves, elevation changes, or stops?
  • How fast does the transfer speed need to be for the belt?
    You might require rapid movement or slower and more steady transportation.  
  • How much material do you need to be transported?
    Your conveyor should be able to handle those requirements in length, width, and speed. You can decide whether a conveyor would be suitable by looking at its load capacity per unit length and maximum load capacity.  
  • How much throughput do you require?
    Throughput indicates how well conveyors handle bulk products or powders, including dirt. This is measured in volume per time, such as cubic feet per minute. 


Dirt conveyors are available for all your needs, even for a project as large as excavation. You can use them for sand, cement, dirt, gravel, silt, rock, or other materials. Other applications for these conveyors include moving fertilizer or grain between storage bins and transporting sand to locations that cannot be accessed by truck. 

Steep models allow for basement excavating or utility contracting, and narrow models are very portable. The belt buckets on many of these conveyors also easily prevent material from rolling back at high inclines. This is useful especially when projects involve digging out trenches or pits, as rollback could be dangerous for staff onsite. 

If your project requires transportation over a very large distance, these longer distances can be easily covered with multiple conveyors by cascading one dirt conveyor to the next. One conveyor can move 25 to 50 tons of dirt per hour depending on the width. 

Conveyors allow for easy dirt transportation. Even if the destination is at a different elevation, conveyors help because they can be easily placed on an incline, diminishing physical strain for employees. Conveyors are also often able to easily unload material at the destination end of the conveyor, so it is not necessary for someone to be at the opposite end waiting for the dirt. 

Dirt conveyors minimize human error while lowering both labor cost and workplace risk. They also save time, which you can’t have enough of. 

At E-Z Lift Conveyors, our dirt conveyors are built with quality materials from leading manufacturers, and we are here to suit your needs.

Contact us today!